Vantage Leadership Consulting to Have Another Electrifying Presence at This Year’s SIOP Conference

Firm Sending Speakers to Nine Sessions

April 5, 2023 – Chicago, IL – Vantage Leadership Consulting, the expert in identifying and developing world-class leaders for clients globally, is proud to announce the firm was selected to send 12 representatives to speak at nine sessions during this year’s Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) conference in Boston, MA from April 19 to April 22.

“Following up on last year’s event, where we presented in many speaking and author spots, we are honored to once again speak at the SIOP Annual Conference,” said Keith Goudy, Vantage’s managing partner. “We are excited to gather with fellow practitioners in our field to share our findings, collaborate on ideas, and to learn from our peers.”

Vantage’s industry experts will speak on a number of different topics as both presenters and panelists. Below are discussion topics, logistics, and links to biographies of Vantage experts.

Thursday, April 20

All About Perception: How Perceptions of Female Leaders Contribute to the Broken Rung: 2:00 p.m.  ZOOM (Authors/Speakers: Melissa (Vazquez) Regester & Mary Sullivan)

Research has long demonstrated that female leaders can be perceived differently than their male counterparts, and that those perceptions can create additional challenges in allowing those women to be seen as effective leaders or in gaining the support mechanisms necessary to continue to grow in their careers. This symposium brings together a group of research papers all detailing how perceptions of female leaders can contribute to the broken rung.

Examining a Practitioner’s Model of Potential: 4:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall (Authors/Speakers: Jasmin Martinez & Sasha Leviyev)

Authors explored a practitioner-created model of leadership potential with self- and 360-evaluations across two undergraduate student groups. Some support was found for the proposed model—higher ratings across 31 behavioral indicators were strongly related to higher ratings of potential and significantly higher 360-ratings of potential for students involved in an extracurricular development program. They also began a longitudinal study of alumni to explore whether this model predicts future workplace performance.

Bringing Coachability to Life: A Deeper Look at Coachability Cases: 1:00 p.m. Room 313 (Author/Speaker: Amanda Bell)

Panelists will apply real life experiences, theoretical frameworks, and in the moment consulting in response to three “coachability curveballs.” Based on actual cases, each panelist describes a circumstance in which the coach faced a challenging choice. After engaging the audience with live polling (“What would you do?”), panelists will share the choices they made in the moment as well as the positive or negative consequences of those choices for the leader they were coaching. This panel is for intermediate practitioners.

Friday, April 21

Leading Connection at Work: Using Relational Skills to Strengthen Organizations 5:00 p.m. Ballroom B (Author/Speaker: Melissa (Vazquez) Regester)

This session aims to uncover ways in which organizations can identify and select leaders who are able to promote stronger relationships among employees, thereby boosting connectivity at work. Through a panel with leadership scholars and practitioners, authors hope to illuminate the various ways in which leaders can influence connectivity and effective collaboration at work. Panelists will discuss topics including ways to identify leaders that are well-suited to promote connection and how leaders can better understand collaboration.

Inclusive Language and Disability in the Workplace: 9:00 a.m. Room 200 (Author/Speaker: Eileen Linnabery)

Language evolves constantly, sometimes in ways that can be overwhelming and even intimidating. For example, people could avoid a topic completely with concerns over using the wrong words and not knowing how their language impacts others, like people with disabilities. In this session, participants will learn how language has changed over time, what inclusive language is, and how to have inclusive conversations around disability. Participants will have facilitated discussions using recorded exercises/presentations and participate in role-plays to practice having inclusive conversations.

Cultivating Coachability Skills and Cultures Across Contexts: 5:00 p.m. Room 309 (Author/Speaker: Amanda Bell)

Given the value of coachability across contexts, the number of organizations implementing coachability-related initiatives continues climbing. In this panel, participants will hear insights from researchers, practitioners, and organizational leaders in various contexts (e.g., health sciences, sport organizations), who executed coachability initiatives, about the importance of focusing on coachability skill and culture development, practices to elicit and develop coachability, and other methods to embed coachability in the organization’s culture. Panel is for intermediate practitioners.

Saturday April 22

Democracy or Oligarchy? Exploring the Merit of an Open Marketplace for Leadership Development: 8:30 a.m. Room 202 (Author/Speaker: Eileen Linnabery)

This interactive session will explore the merits or challenges associated with democratizing leadership development. The session will feature a panel and breakout sessions on whether development investment should focus on a limited elite or be accessible by a broad population. Topics will include trends on the democratization of leadership development, how culture contributes to success or challenges with this approach, challenges related to developing and retaining high potentials when development opportunities are open to all, and the role of HR.

CEO Succession in a VUCA World: Practices That Deliver Impactful Outcomes: 3:00 p.m. Ballroom C (Authors/Speakers: Jacki Ackerman & Eileen Linnabery)

This session will explore the practice of CEO succession planning and provide information and advice from a group of experienced I-O practitioners. Authors will discuss practitioners’ challenges and successes in CEO succession planning, processes, and tools in the I-O toolkit, how to manage the Board and other stakeholders, and the future of CEO succession. Attendees will work through example CEO succession dilemmas, consider how I-O psychologists can help, and hear from a leading panel of experts on evidence-based practices for successful CEO succession and how to avoid common pitfalls.

Transforming People Management: The Changing Role of the People Manager: 3:00 p.m. Room 309 (Speaker/Panelist: Dave Sowinski)

With the rise of flexible work arrangements, changing employee expectations, and the automation of managerial tasks, the competencies required for people manager roles are changing. This session will focus on how people management is shifting, what this shift means for traditional people manager career progression and selection, and what HR and HR technology can do to support people managers’ well-being and performance as the changes in their roles take effect. Original research by SAP SuccessFactors will be shared on the shifts in people manager competencies and their implications.

Vantage has been busy since last year’s conference. Since then, the firm continues to experience significant growth and recognition. In January, Vantage announced that Kathrina Dubnicek was promoted to chief administrative officer and Stephanie Clay was elevated to director of human resources, learning, and development. In October 2022, the firm announced Danielle Klene rejoined Vantage and Lacey Savage was hired a few months prior. Both are consultants. In March 2022, Sara Nelson was hired by Vantage to head the business’ marketing efforts.


Vantage Leadership Consulting is the leader in partnering with organizations to identify and develop world-class leaders who can drive their companies’ business strategies. From executive assessments and succession planning to leader development, executive coaching, and high-performance team development, Vantage has spent more than four decades focused on a single mission: ensuring their clients have the leadership required to win in their marketplace. Founded in 1976, Vantage is based in Chicago, IL with additional locations nationally. To learn more, please visit

Media Contact:
Marc Raybin
Cardinal Communications Strategies